An Unorganized List of Other Things I Found Interesting

Tornadoes in Medieval Britain by M. W. Rowe. It's kind of wild to imagine a tornado through the eyes of a community that had little understanding of wtf was happening. Even today, our understanding of tornadoes is considered limited. And yet, it feels almost impossible to imagine a world without doppler radar or any other ability to calcuate the weather.

Medieval Recipes

Medieval Food Glossary I love finding glossaries like this. They can be such a good jumping off point for figuring out what you didn't know you didn't know.

Beds in late Medieval and Tudor Times

#FanLIS Resource List

Antique Pattern Library

Heritage Orchard Conference

Fruit in Medival Europe by Marie Josèphe Moncorgé

St. Thomas Guild: Medieval Woodworking, Furniture, and Other Crafts

Fan Culture Preservation Project

The Mister Roger's Neighboorhood Archive

A map titled "Various Sirens in Pennsylvania". Very detailed.

Tornado Archive

Odin's Castle of Dreams and Legends: An Archive of History and Historical Resources

Internet History Sourcebooks Project by Fordham. I find the title of this project a little bit confusing and I know as soon as I close the tab, I will immediatley forget that the website is not about the history of the internet. This project is more like a collection of bilbiographes separated by subject, era, region etc. For exameple the Ancient History Sourcebook.